Friday, 31 January 2014
This Week's Most Popular Posts: January 24th to 31st
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Deadspin On Softness | Gizmodo Explore Spotify's Millions of Unplayed Songs with Forgotify | Jalopni
SwiftKey Note Syncs with Evernote, Lets You Swipe-to-Type in iOS
Quickfit Puts the Seven-Minute Workout on Your iPhone
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Gawker Petition to Deport Justin Bieber Hits 100,000, White House Must Reply | io9 What Kind of Meat
Combine Pocket with Evernote for a Clutter-Free, Paperless System
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Deadspin NFL Cheerleading Is A Scam: A Former Ravens Cheerleader Tells All | Gizmodo NYC's Charming
Vox Refines Its Look, Improves the Search Engine, and More
Side Projects Don't Have to Be Lucrative, Just Fulfilling
iPads Galore, Surround Sound on the Cheap, Jambox for $70 [Deals]
Clean Up Rusty Cast Iron with Coca-Cola (and Other Chemistry Hacks)
The Best and Worst Online Retailers, Ranked by Password Security
Stack Exchange Releases Android App, Answers Questions on the Go
Monday, 27 January 2014
Gawker Opera Singer Can't Stop Farting After Surgery, Loses Job | Gizmodo Whoa, the Raptor Cage From
Dark Sky Updates with iOS 7 Design and Extended Forecasts
Chrome for iOS now has integrated data compression, easy access to web page translation, and other p
Downcast, Chromecast, Cheap Surround Sound, Cheaper Storage [Deals]
John Cleese: “Creativity Isn’t a Talent, It’s a Way of Operating.”
In this classic talk on creativity, John Cleese talks about finding your “open” and “closed” modes of creativity (viewing time = 36 mins, 10 secs.):
via 99U
Avoid Pointless Measurements and Focus on Real Life Experiences
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Saturday, 25 January 2014
OptimizeMe Logs Your Daily Activities and Gives Detailed Life Analysis
Friday, 24 January 2014
Being Organized Isn't the Goal, It's a Tool for Reaching Goals
Deadspin How Mizzou Failed An Alleged Rape Victim Who Killed Herself | Gizmodo You've Got to Watch t
This Week's Most Popular Posts: January 17th to 24th
This Infographic Shows You How to Organize Your Fridge
Some Google services are currently experiencing an outage.
Organize Your Entire Garage with a DIY Wall of Storage
Gfycat Turns Animated GIFs Into HTML5 Video, Pulls Clips From YouTube
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Gawker The FBI Just Busted the King of Revenge Porn | Jalopnik Ford Wants To Know Where People And C
Pixelmator Adds Mac Pro Support, an Order Prints Feature, and More
Jobscan Analyzes Your Resume, Helps You Get Past Computer Screeners
Gliph Adds Encrypted, Private Web Chat to Its Mobile Messaging Service
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Gawker Former Pro Football Player Reflects on Brokeback Romance with Teammate | Jalopnik The Ten Wei
MyPhotostream Gives You Instant Access to Photos in Your Photo Stream
Put Some (Fake) Planets on Your Desktop with These Wallpapers
Stop Sweat Stains from Ruining Your Shirts with a Little Baby Powder
50 of the Best Online Courses and Resources for Learning Web Design
SteamOS Beta Now Supports Dual-Boot and Custom Partitioning
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Deadspin Sochi Is So Screwed | Gizmodo Oculus Rift Lets You See What It Would Be Like To Swap Gender
“The Boss” On Learning to Delegate
Springsteen recently sat down for an interview with NPR’s Ann Powers (listening time = 1 hour, 18 minutes). In one of our favorite moments, he discusses how he used to work on music, the moment it got to be too much, and how he learned to let go of control — for the better.
[AP:] Do you have to let go at some point? I mean do you have to step back? Your own ego has to retreat and allow for these collaborations …
[BS:] I never let that happen. [Laughs] But what I have gotten used to doing is I do delegate a lot more in the studio than I used to, which is nice because I don’t think I could work the way I did in my 20s when I, we had a little bit of the half-blind leading the blind in that we all went in and just recorded until a record happened.
I remember reading you would be sleeping in the studio in your coat.
Oh, yeah. It was terrible, you know. In truth, it was awful, an awful way to make records but it was the only way we knew how. Everybody simply suffered through it and the endless, endless, endless hours I can’t begin to explain.
We thank you for those hours.
But it was just what it took at the time, you know, I was just very, very much more controlling at the time so I was always there and I always had my hand in everything. Where today, now, you know it’s very similar even with the live show, where I, over the years, have gathered a team of people, where you find people who, when you leave, will advance your thought processes and then come up with things you would not have thought of and you can come back then and you can edit what you feel is great and what you feel might not work.
He goes onto say that after a certain number of times, he just couldn’t work like that anymore. It’s a good example of how many careers may be started by, and go far on, sheer grit at first, but it’s ultimately unsustainable in the long run. At some point, you’re gonna need to find those you can lean on.
Read (or listen) to the rest of the interview here.
via 99U
RootCloak Hides Root Access From Specific Applications
SnapPea's PhotoSnap Syncs Mobile Photos with your PC, Instantly
Monday, 20 January 2014
Controllers for All Pairs Your PS3 Controller with an iOS Device
Deadspin Report: Suicide Bomber May Have Breached Security At Sochi Olympics | Gizmodo 20 Questions
Tame Under-The-Desk Cables with a Broken Three-Ring Binder
Target Offers Free Experian Credit Monitoring for One Year
Buy the Smallest Package Possible When You Buy New Groceries
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Make a Post-It Note Countdown to Stick to Your Habit Plan
Use a Tag Cloud to Check What You Need to Change in Your Resume
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Feedly Updates iOS App with Quick Navigation, iPad Design, Night Theme
Frame Your Goals as Questions to Motivate Accomplishments
Deal With Interruptions as Soon as They Arrive to Boost Focus
Hello SMS Brings Tabs and Easy Photo-Sharing to Text Messages
Friday, 17 January 2014
Deadspin It's Time To Draft Your Fantasy Puppy Bowl Team | Gizmodo Scientist Calculates How To Survi
Download Your Tax Return Transcripts Straight from the IRS
This Week's Most Popular Posts: January 10th to 17th
This Infographic Shows You What Documents to Shred, Scan, or Store
What's the Worst Experience You've Had Fixing Someone's Computer?
Boost Your Credit Score by Moving Credit Card Debt to a Personal Loan
Gesture Control App Magus Updates with More Commands, Tasker Support
Budgeting App Level Lands on Android, Shows You How Much You Can Spend
Scribe Lets You Copy and Paste Between Your iPhone and Mac
Typing a long email on your desktop computer? Easy. Typing a long email on your iPhone keyboard? Not so much.
Scribe ($2.99 for mac, free on mobile), a new app for both desktop and mobile, creates a “master clipboard” where you can copy and paste things between the two devices. Just install the app on both devices and use a special shortcut every time you want to send text directly to your phone for easy cutting and pasting.
Great for writer types and for excerpting passages for text messages and emails.
via 99U
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Gawker Phone Thieves Accidentally Send Terrible Homemade Porn to Victim | Jalopnik Jay Leno's Mom Hi
Make 20 Meals to Feed a Family of Four for $150 and One Trip to Costco
Get a Bigger Mental Boost from Drinking Coffee by Timing It with Naps
Jazz And Rain Plays the Most Soothing of Sounds While You Work
LinkedIn Can Connect You to Non-Profits for Volunteering Opportunities
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
SwipeSelection Pro Adds Custom Options to the Text Editing Tweak
Deadspin What Every NFL Logo Would Look Like If It Were A Hipster | Gizmodo How to Get 50GB Free Sto
Regular Exercise Might Be the Key to Work-Life Balance
Gapps Manager Gets You the Right Google Apps for Your Rooted Phone
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Sworkit Pro Adds Custom Interval Lengths, a Workout Log, and More
Most Popular 5.1 Surround Speaker Set: Logitech Z-5500
Evomail+ Updates with a Simplified Interface, Notifications, and More
The Five Basic Questions Interviewers Really Want You to Answer
Use Mixed Entry to Increase Length-Capped Password Complexity
The Biggest Lessons I've Learned from Managing Anxiety
Use a Magnetic Knife Rack to Organize Metal Pot Lids
Monday, 13 January 2014
Gawker Guy Claiming to Be Conan O'Brien's Illegitimate Son Comes Forward | Jezebel You're Getting Su
Greenify, the Android Battery Saver, Now Supports Unrooted Phones
Sprint has ended its early upgrade "One Up" plan only four months after being introduced, instead pl
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Saturday, 11 January 2014
oTranscribe is a Free, Keyboard-Friendly Transcription Tool
Friday, 10 January 2014
Build Your Own FM Transmitter and Send Your Music to Any Stereo
This Week's Most Popular Posts: January 3rd to 10th
PushBullet Sends Your Phone's Alerts and Notifications to Your PC
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Gawker Hero Teen Throws Himself on Suicide Bomber to Save School | Jalopnik Flavor Flav Arrested For
Photograph Your Suitcase Before Flying to Find It Fast If It Gets Lost
Valve just announced that the SteamOS beta now supports Intel and AMD graphics.
Get a Workout While You Work, $30 off All Kindle Fires [Deals]
Tell Kids About Frustrations You've Endured to Help Them Develop Grit
Groupiful Is a To-Do App Ideal for Organizing Small Teams or Families
The newest version of Gmail for Android, released today, includes a big change: Images will now load
#labrat: Do Power Naps Improve Creativity?
According to your natural circadian rhythm, you’re at your sleepiest between 2 to 4:00 a.m. and 1 to 3:00 p.m. Sounds like a cruel trick with the way the workday was set up, doesn’t it?
For years I’ve combated the “afternoon slump” with coffee, but studies show that you’re better off giving into the call of sleep for a few minutes than fighting it. In fact, napping has much bigger rewards than caffeine; just 20 minutes is said to provide an alertness boost, with 30 to 60 minutes good for cognitive memory and creativity, and 60 to 90 minutes enough for problem solving.
So we’ve decided to test out 20-minute power naps in the real world of open office plans and 9 to 5’s. Starting on Monday, the 13th, I’ll be power napping (or trying to, anyways) every day and reporting back on what it’s really like to declare it nap time in the middle of your work day. Join us with your own week of afternoon power naps! Follow this post for daily updates and to add yours in the comments, or on Twitter and Instagram using #labrat.
Good luck, and the experiment starts on Monday!
via 99U
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Deadspin Revealed: The Hall Of Fame Voter Who Turned His Ballot Over To Deadspin | Jezebel We Must N
Zombies, Run! Updated with Better Music Playback, Local Maps, and More
I'm Robby Macdonell, and This Is the Story Behind RescueTime
Find Out If You're a Highly Sensitive Person with This Test
Absterge and Facebook Timeline Cleaner Purge Your Facebook Activity
XYplorer, the Fantastic Alternative File Browser, is Free Once Again
Take This Character Strengths Survey
We take for granted that psychology can diagnose mental illness but what about “diagnosing” strengths? A group of psychologists undertook the project to do just that and the result was the VIA Inventory of Strengths Survey. The survey is the basis of copious amounts of sophisticated research aimed at better understanding job satisfaction, life satisfaction, and how the two can be brought closer together.
One of the research’s biggest findings is the simple conclusion that people who use their character strengths at work generally have greater job satisfaction than those who don’t. The survey is free and takes about 15 minutes to complete. You can complete it here.
Be on the lookout for opportunities where you can harness your strengths in any project or endeavor, even if it’s outside of your normal tasks. If you’re judicious about what you volunteer for and ensure it aligns well with your strengths, you’re likely to make a positive impression, thus setting you up for more opportunities to use your strengths in the future.
via 99U
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
Gawker Neil Patrick Harris Got Wasted in Mexico, Took Some Priceless Photos | Jalopnik This Heartbre
This One-Page Calendar Is Perfect for Seinfeld's Productivity Secret
Monday, 6 January 2014
Deadspin PSA: That Viral News Blooper Someone's About To Send You Is Fake | Gizmodo The New Corvette
BioProtect Locks Down Your iPhone Apps with Your Fingerprint
Whyd, the invite-only music streaming service that lets you save songs from YouTube, SoundCloud, and
Fantastical 2 Updates with New Font Support and Navigation Options
Should We All Have A 4-Day Work Week?
Does an extra day at the computer really produce that much more work? Treehouse CEO Ryan Carson thinks the answer is “no” and has structured his company to prove it. From a 2012 post on his blog:
There are so many benefits to working less it’s hard to list them all, but here are the major ones:
- Recruiting is easy (we still pay full salaries and offer a very generous benefits package).
- Retention is easier. One of the Team told me he regularly gets emails from Facebook trying to win him over and his answer is always the same: “Do you work a 4-day week yet?”
- Morale is boosted. On Mondays everyone is fresh and excited – not jaded from working over the weekend.
- I get to spend 50% more time with my kids then almost all other dads (three days versus two). Fifty percent. It’s insane. For those on the Team without kids, they get to spend this extra 50% on their hobbies or loved ones.
At the time of writing, the company was profitable and the company has since removed all managers.
Read his entire post here.
via Hacker News.
via 99U
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Conduct a Self-Interview to Discover Your New Year's Resolutions
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Remove Windshield Stickers Easier with a Cellphone Screen Protector
Friday, 3 January 2014
How To Build Your Own Carbonation Rig That Adds Bubbles to Anything
Prevent Soda Bottles from Fizzing Over with a Ninja Swipe
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Gawker What You Need to Know About the Giant Snowstorm Hitting the U.S. | io9 How one man's willingi
Ecoute Is a Simple and Attractive Alternative to the iPhone Music App
Power a Set of Voice-Controlled Electrical Outlets with a Raspberry Pi
Write for Mac Brings the Minimal iOS Notes and Writing App to Desktop
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
Print This Four-Week Calendar to Use Seinfeld's Productivity Plan
Pact Puts Real Money on the Line to Get You to Eat Well and Exercise
Seven 52 Week Challenges for an Incredibly Productive Year
Loopr Switches Android Apps Without You Lifting a Finger
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