Wednesday, 26 November 2014

How to Get 90% of Your Work Done Before Lunch

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Over on Inc., Neil Patel, co-founder of KISSmetrics, shares 16 tips for getting 90 percent of your work done in the morning, after which you can push back from your desk to enjoy a leisurely lunch.

His approach is built on the Pareto principle, which holds that 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your efforts. Arrange the layout of your work day by front-loading, so that you’re executing the meat of your workload when you’re freshest and firing on all cylinders.

A few favorites from his suggestions:

Schedule your day the night before. Every day, you should list all your tasks and when you’re going to do them the following day. You will not be productive unless you plan out everything you’re going to do the next morning. Quick tip: Don’t schedule too much. Keep your to-do schedule light to actually accomplish real work.

Make 60-second decisions. Decision making is a time-draining vortex. When you’re faced with a decision in the course of your work, give yourself a one-minute limit. Your decision will be just as good, but it will take less time.

Do your writing early on. Writing is one of the most mentally demanding tasks. However, writing also has the power of focusing your brain and improving your productivity. Do you writing early in the day, and you’ll improve both the quality of your writing and the rest of your day.

Reward yourself at a certain time. Set the clock–a countdown timer if you have to. At a certain point, you’re going to stop. So, stop. Break out the kazoos, throw some confetti, and do your happy dance. It’s time to reward yourself.

What better motivation than a refreshing mid-day break and the knowledge that you’ve drilled through the bulk of your workload? You’ll be primed to zero in on the remaining 10 percent.


via 99U

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